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Want to be an Intern?? 

Valley Youth Network Ministry Focus

Valley Youth Network is a non-denominational ministry that desires to present Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior through relational evangelism and discipleship of high school students in the rural community of Ligonier, Pennsylvania.  Focusing prayer, planning, and efforts on building trust and strong relationships with students in hope of receiving opportunities to speak into their lives, encourage them, challenge them, protect them, disciple them, and most importantly to reach out to them with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


The Valley Youth Network provides an internship program for young men and women who have completed their college degree and feel a strong calling towards youth ministry.  The program provides individuals experience first-hand with the challenges and rewards of the youth ministry field. Our desire is that upon completion of their two-year internship commitment, such young adults will receive further clarity as to their possible calling. It is also our hope that upon receiving confirmation they will leave their internship better prepared and equipped for future ministry appointments.



This program will be supervised and instructed by the Valley Youth Network executive director and assistant director/intern supervisor. Interns will receive direction and training as they minister directly to high school students through weekly fellowship, bible studies, special events, community involvement and relational opportunities. Interns will also assist with various excursions including mission trips, retreats, and adventure outings.


Internship Compensation and Benefits

The intern position is a paid ($800/month), 30 hours/week position for a two-year commitment.  Benefits include housing, health insurance, and vacation time.  Interns may acquire a part-time job (not to exceed 15 hours/week) in the Ligonier community to supplement their income and build relationships outside the ministry.


Requirements for Youth Ministry Intern Candidates

An intern is “a trainee whose goal is to gain practical experience in an occupation”.  A youth minister is an important role model for teens, setting a personal example of living for Jesus Christ. Therefore, a life passionate about living for Christ, a fervent desire to love and serve youth, as well as a humble and sincere aspiration to be mentored by veteran youth ministers are absolute prerequisites for this position.



– Must be a committed Christian who has received Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord, and demonstrates          this personal acceptance by both walk and talk
– Possesses a desire to be dedicated and faithful to daily spiritual growth
– Must be actively seeking out God’s possible calling to youth ministry
– Must have a Christ-like love and concern for high school students and their spiritual lives
– Must have a compassionate desire to reach out to the spiritually lost and doubting
– Has a desire to teach scripture and nurture students in their personal walk with Christ
– Has been involved in a Christian ministry as a leader or participant


– Is friendly, positive and approachable to people of all ages
– Must have a desire to partnership with directors to support an established ministry outreach
– Is teachable with a desire for training and growth in youth ministry
– Has a desire to develop and use their gifts and talents to enhance programming
– Able to create opportunities to initiate relationships with high school students
– Able to relate to and lead high school students


– Exhibits leadership ability
– Willingness to be accountable
– Has the ability to take direction and to work independently
– Shows evidence of being self-disciplined and internally motivated
– Is enthusiastic, adventurous, and enjoys participating in large group games
– Commits to refrain from activities that could cause a student to stumble or struggle such as: prescription drug    or alcohol abuse, use of tobacco or illegal drugs
– Commits to sexual purity and living above reproach by avoiding situations that may
   lead to temptation, or appear compromising
– Obtains and provides Valley Youth Network with an official background check and
   Act 34 clearance
– Is a safe and responsible driver possessing a valid driver’s license and car insurance


Responsibilities of Intern

– Maintain a vital and growing relationship with Jesus Christ and a deepening knowledge and understanding of    scripture
– Meet regularly with director and intern supervisor for prayer, mentoring and training
– Initiate contact with students in order to build relationships wherein the gospel can be communicated through    both their words and actions
– Participate in the planning and implementation of all outreach programming (weekly fellowship, bible studies,    special events, community involvement, summer mission trip, retreats, and adventure outings)
– Spend, on average, 30 hours per week in carrying out intern ministry responsibilities


How to Apply for Internship Position

- Complete The Valley Youth Network Intern Application Form

- Submit resume that includes education, paid work, volunteer work, mission experiences, and campus ministry   for the last four years

- Provide three references that are individuals from church, campus ministry, summer camp experience,               professor mentor, coach or personal mentor. One of these must be a person who worked with you in a               ministry environment and one must be from one of your professors. Please do not include family members.

- Mail the application and necessary supporting documentation to:

Valley Youth Network
P.O. Box 303
Ligonier, Pennsylvania 15658

If you need additional information concerning the Valley Youth Network and/or the internship program please contact:

Kip or Sandy Crumrine
(724) 238-9441

Phone 724.238.9441


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P.O. Box 303
Ligonier, PA 15658


20 Springer Road

Ligonier, PA  15658



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